A contact form on your website is a valuable tool that facilitates effective communication between your business and your audience. It serves as a convenient and user-friendly means for visitors to reach out to you or provide feedback. Read everything about what contact forms are and how to set them up in Teamleader Focus.

In this help article

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A contact form on your website serves as a valuable communication channel, bridging the gap between your business and potential customers. By including a contact form, you eliminate barriers to communication, making it easier for potential customers to engage with your brand.

The advantages:

  • Efficient lead capturing: Streamline the process of capturing leads from website visitors, making it quick and hassle-free.
  • Centralised communication: All leads from the contact form are stored within your Teamleader Focus account, and there's no scattered information across different channels. Enjoy a centralised hub where you can view, manage, respond to, and nurture leads efficiently. And not only that, having everything in one centralised tool also saves valuable time!

  • Easy to use form builder: You don't need a designer or technical expertise to customise your web forms.

  • More business: By simplifying the lead capturing process and minimising friction, you can see a boost in conversion rates, translating into more leads and business growth.


The principle is very simple:

  • First of all, you need to activate the Lead capture Booster in Teamleader Focus 
  • Then you can create a contact form in a few easy steps
  • Optionally, you embed the contact form in your website
  • Your leads/customers fill out the contact form on your website
  • Their answers will get synced to the contact/company/deal fields of your choice in Teamleader Focus

Create a contact form

In Teamleader Focus, click on Contact forms in the navigation menu on the left and click on Activate for free, or go to the Lead capture Booster and click on Contact forms. Click on Get started if it's your first time creating a form, otherwise choose Create a form in the top right-hand corner.

1. Build your form

The name of the form will be prefilled as 'Form 1', but you can always adapt this.


  • The name of your form is limited to max. 100 characters.
  • When you change the name of your contact form afterwards, this will impact both the contact form URL and the embedded HTML of your contact form.

Choose what you want to do with each completed form. Once checked, there are a few questions that are required. The answers to these questions will be linked to the corresponding fields of your choice in your Teamleader Focus CRM. 

  • Create new contact
    • A new contact will be added to your contacts in Teamleader Focus. Optionally, you can select one of the tags here that you defined in your CRM settings. This tag will then be added to the contact, making it possible to easily segment on the contacts created through this form afterwards.
    • The required questions are: first name, last name and email
    • When checked, you'll be able to link the custom questions (see below) to contact fields in Teamleader Focus
    • NoteIf the contact already exists in your Teamleader Focus account (with the same email address), no new contact will be added but the additional information that was filled out (tags or additional questions) will be added to the 'Background information' field of the existing contact.
  • Create new company
    • A new company will be added to your companies in Teamleader Focus. Optionally, you can select one of the tags here that you defined in your CRM settings. This tag will then be added to the company, making it possible to easily segment on the companies created through this form afterwards.
    • The required questions are: company name
    • When checked, you'll be able to link the custom questions (see below) to company fields in Teamleader Focus
    • NoteIf the company already exists in your Teamleader Focus account (with the same company name), no new company will be added but the additional information that was filled out (tags or additional questions) will be added to the 'Background information' field of the existing company.
  • Create new deal
    • A new deal will be added to your deals in Teamleader Focus. The title of your deal in Teamleader Focus will be the title of your form.
      NoteIf you have multiple deal pipelines in your account, the deal will by default be created in the default pipeline. If you want to, you can define another pipeline for the deals to be created in. See powerful extensions for more information.
    • There are no required questions here
    • When checked, you'll be able to link the custom questions (see below) to deals fields in Teamleader Focus

Add additional custom questions by clicking on + Add question

  • Fill out your question, choose the type and choose which field to link the answer to
    • You can link these questions to your contact, company or deal fields in Teamleader Focus (but the available fields also depend on your package cf. 'Basic vs Beyond functionalities'.)
    • You can also link your contact/company/deal custom fields. If they are required, then these questions will be added as form questions by default.
  • You can preview the question immediately next to it
  • E.g. I want to know the primary address of the company:
  • Save the question. When all your questions are ready, click on Continue.


  • Make sure you either check 'Create new contact' or 'Create new company' if you want to be able to also create a new deal and to link the answers to your questions to Teamleader Focus.
  • If you already linked a question to a Teamleader Focus field within for example the Company category, then you won't be able to link a second question to that same Teamleader Focus field.
    Example: You've already asked your customer their website in this question:

    In the next question, you also want to know what their employee platform is: 
    You'll receive the message that this field is already in use on another question. You can choose e.g. 'Contact website' instead, or the field 'Company - Background information'.

    Note: The field 'Background information' is an exception to this rule, as this field can be linked to several times.

  • If you uncheck an option e.g. disable 'Create new company', then the linked questions will be removed:

2. Customise your form

You can customise your form by:

  • uploading a logo and favicon; 
  • setting up a title; 
  • setting a body font and size;
  • selecting colours for the title, text, page background, form background and button text/background; 
  • setting up custom introduction, button and success page text;
  • adding a downloadable file or by linking to a page with a downloadable file.

Double check everything in the preview by clicking on the maximise icon to enlarge the preview.

Learn more about customising your contact form in this help article!

3. Powerful extensions

The powerful extensions consist of the following parts:

  • Teamleader Focus CRM behavior
  • Notifications
  • Redirecting
  • Legal

Teamleader Focus CRM behavior

Determine in this part how form information will be handled in Teamleader Focus. 

If you've selected in the first step that a new deal should be created, then you can select a deal assignee and a deal pipeline here.

  • By default, the contact form creator will be selected as deal assignee. You can select a different user here or select 'None'.
  • If you have multiple deal pipelines in your account, then the default deal pipeline will be selected at first. Per contact form however you can specify in which pipeline you want your deal to be created. This way, you can differentiate depending on the target audience of the contact forms.
    • If you afterwards delete the selected pipeline in Teamleader Focus, or your pipeline gets deleted because your package was downgraded, then this field will have no selected pipeline anymore. New deals will automatically be created in your default pipeline.

If you didn't select in the first step that a new deal should be created, this information will be greyed out.


Set notifications for yourself, colleagues and customers.

  • Notify a team member when a form is completed: select which user should receive an email notification whenever a form is completed. Uncheck the box if you don't want to be notified.
    Note: this box will be checked by default and the contact form creator is selected. 
  • Allow respondents to get a copy of the completed form: whoever filled out the form can choose to receive a copy of the completed form on the email address they provide. It's not possible to personalise the text of this email, however if you've added custom email HTML template in the Advanced branding of your team settings, this email will also show that layout.


If a respondent filled out a form you have two options:

  • Show the success page (cf. 'Customise your form')
  • Redirect to a specific URL, e.g. a thank you page or your own website


Ask respondents to accept terms and conditions: before submitting their answers, respondents will first be asked to accept the terms and conditions.

Save the contact form and share your form or go back to the Contact forms overview page.

Basic vs Beyond features

This paragraph is only relevant if you're on one of our older GO, MOVE or BOOST packages. If you have one of our new price plans (SMART, GROW or FLOW) then all features are included in the Lead capture Booster.



Number of forms

1 contact form

Multiple contact forms

Question/Answer types

Limited Question/Answer types

All Question/Answer types

  • Custom fields contact/company/deal
  • Contact - date of birth
  • Contact - gender
  • Contact - opt-in marketing mails
  • Deal source
  • Deal close date


Files/attachments fields are not available

Files/attachments fields are available


Edit page specific text and upload a success image.

No access to

  • Upload images
  • Set up font and text size
  • Set up colours

All customisation options

Powerful extensions

  • CRM behavior: default deal assignee
  • Notifications: by default, contact form creator is notified of completed forms
  • Redirecting: no redirect URL after form submission

All powerful extensions options

If you downgrade from a Beyond to a Basic package, you'll only be able to keep one contact form active. In this case, the latest contact form you created will be active, the other ones will be deactivated. 

For a full overview of the Basic vs Beyond features, please consult this article.

Contact forms overview page

After you've created your contact form you'll be redirected to the contact forms overview page, where you'll have several sharing options such as copying the link to the form or embedding the form. Other options are creating another contact form, duplicating a form, deactivating a form or previewing it. Read all about it here.

Embed a contact form in your website

If you want to embed the contact form in your website or as a contact widget button, you can follow the steps in this article.

Note: logos won't show when a contact form is embedded.