In this article, we're going to show you how Teamleader Focus can help you organise your funnel to stay on op of your leads.
The modules you will mainly use are:
Companies and Contacts
Deals and Quotations
Dashboard and Calendar
Lead capture Booster
Companies and Contacts
This is how Teamleader Focus will help you get to know your leads.
Calling up leads
Teamleader Focus offers a great plugin to connect Teamleader Focus to LinkedIn, allowing you to directly add contacts to Teamleader Focus from LinkedIn.
If you are out and about networking, we imagine you’ll gather lots of business cards. How cool would it be if you didn’t have to add these contacts manually, one by one to your CRM? Just scan those business cards to add them to your CRM on the spot!
Read everything there is to know about using Teamleader Focus as a tool for prospecting or as a call center here.
Collecting information
Depending on your sector or type of business, you might be missing some fields to enter more specific info. Just add custom fields. Useful examples of custom fields might be:
- A dropdown with your sectors or verticals
- Custom fields for extra email addresses or phone numbers
- A date field for birthdays of contacts. This might come in handy for mailings.
Check with your team and decide together which information is crucial to your team, and then create those custom fields with the suited type.
If you receive emails from contacts that contain important information, you can track them to Teamleader Focus. The content of those mails will be saved on the contact or company page, so that you keep a history of what information has been exchanged.
On that same contact or company page, you will also see related meetings, tasks and calls. This does not only help you, but also your colleagues, who are up-to-date in case a contact calls when you are not available.
And what if a contact tells you something your colleague urgently needs to know? Go to the activities at the bottom of a contact or company page and add an @-sign. You’ll see a dropdown with the name of all users within your account, so click on the name of your colleague and type your note. Your colleague will receive a notification.
Deals and Quotations
The deal and quotation modules will be your favourite ones. A deal should be created whenever a business opportunity arises. If your company has several services or has different sales teams or company entities, you can define different sales pipelines that match your specific methods. Create quotations to sell goods/services to your customer. Creating multiple quotations per deal is a handy feature too if you want to offer different options to your customer.
Segments will help your follow-up by dividing your deals by date or amount, for example. In the list view of your deals, Teamleader Focus also has a filter by deal phase. As we explained before, you can also create custom fields on deal level in order to add specific sales content to each deal.
Pipeline & deal phases
The phases in a deal pipeline show you the steps a lead has to go through before becoming a customer. Click on the little ball on the phase to mark it as fulfilled. You can, of course, customize the phases and add/edit/remove them via Settings > Deals and Quotations > Pipelines > Click on the pencil next to the phase. More information about changing the dates can be found here.
Sometimes, the deal phases jump automatically. This happens on two occasions: when Sending a quotation and if (one of) the quotation(s) is accepted via CloudSign.
Via the scheduled actions on your deal page, you can link meetings, tasks and calls to the deal, so you won’t lose your potential customer out of sight. You can even link follow-up actions to your deal phases.
In case you weren’t able to reach the contact today, just create a task or a call for yourself within a few days to check again.
Activity meter
In the deal overview, you find specific colours under the column Activity, which let you know what deals need attention. Determine the time span via Settings > Deals and Quotations > Pipelines > Pencil next to a deal phase.
Probability rate
You can also set a probability % for each phase of your deal funnel. This allows you to get a weighted amount per deal in the statistics, so that you get a realistic forecast. To do so, you can add the columns ‘Amount’, ‘Probability’, ‘Expected close date’ and ‘Weighted amount’ to the Deals overview. We however recommend you to use our deal forecast, which you can read about here.
Under Insights > Deals, you’ll find an extensive set of stats on deals. Filter the results by deal pipeline, and then you can adapt the time frame and work with segments on deal level to personalise your view. Select a segment by clicking the funnel in the top right-hand corner:
A very important part here is the closing ratio, a rate that lets you estimate how likely you are to closing a deal. This rate has an influence on the expected revenue and can make it easier to make a clearer calculation. So be aware of that if you choose to work with the closing ratio.
Dashboard and Calendar
The Dashboard (clicking on the Teamleader Focus logo in the top-left corner) shows you today’s agenda. This should be the first thing you look at in the mornings, while you drink your coffee.
Here you will find all the tasks, meetings and calls that you have to do today, or that were due in the previous 7 days.
As a best practice, we recommend that every time a task, meeting or a call is done, you mark it as done in Teamleader Focus, or at least that you do it before you go home that day. If you haven’t finished your work and can’t mark them as done, you can move them to a later date. This allows you to go home with a clear mind. Keeping this discipline is the way to #worksmarter!
Pro-tip: Recording your meeting report
Here’s another trick applied by our customers for keeping notes of a meeting. When you finish a meeting, you have the option to create a meeting report. But if you don’t want to spend time writing, you can also finish the meeting using the Teamleader Focus app. You can create a report by recording your voice, using the mic on your mobile phone. Each customer has a ‘Files’ tab where you can upload these documents so that you, or any of your colleagues can find them quickly.
Lead capture Booster
Running a business without online meetings is hard to imagine in this day and age. That’s why we have our Lead capture Booster in Teamleader Focus. Schedule, meet and engage with customers online, on top of all the other functionality our tool already brings. Read all about what it is and how to activate it.
What’s your best tip for working with Teamleader Focus? Feel free to let us know via our support page.