How To: Email templates for quotations, invoices and meetings

Why use templates?

Templates or default emails are pre-formulated messages that can be sent within a few clicks. This helps you to save time if you often have to write the same type of messages. Templates can be made for meetings, sending quotations and invoices, automatic reminders and thank you messages. There are a number of preset templates in Teamleader Focus already, but you can always adapt these to create even more personal communication.

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Email variables

For every template email in Teamleader Focus, there are some variables you can use to personalize your message. For example, the variable #FORENAME will always be replaced by the forename of the contact you are sending an email to, given that this information is available in the CRM. If you're sending an email to Jeroen De Wit, the variable #FORENAME will be replaced with "Jeroen".  

Email template: variables

These variables can always be found at the bottom of the screen when composing your template.

Here is an overview of the different types of email templates that Teamleader Focus offers and that will be discussed:

  1. Templates for quotation introduction text
  2. Email templates for quotations
  3. A default message when sending invoices
  4. General email templates
  5. A default message for meetings
  6. Automatic invoice reminders

1. Templates for quotation introduction text

To create a default message for a quotation, navigate to "Settings" > "Deals and Quotations". Scroll down to the "Templates for quotation introduction text" widget. These templates will be used on the first page of the quotation unless otherwise defined in your quotation template layout.

To create a default message yourself, click the "+" symbol. In the following popup, you can define your message. You can use different variables to personalize your message here as well. Through the #NAME personalization, for example, you can always start the accompanying text of your quotation with your customer’s name, regardless of the customer to whom you are sending the offer. You can set up different default emails depending on the nature of the offer.

2. Email templates for quotations

Next to the accompanying message of your quotation, you can create email templates for sending the quotation to your customer.

Important here is the variable #LINK. If you use this variable in your template email, this will be visible for the customer as a link to Cloudsign, where the quotation can be checked and signed online. The #LINK parameter will be replaced by the sentence "View quotation online" in your email

If a quotation is accepted via Cloudsign, you’ll get a notification in Teamleader Focus. An accepted quotation will automatically change your deal phase into "Accepted".

3. A default message when sending invoices

You can customize invoice templates through Settings > Invoices. Scroll down to "Email templates for invoices" and edit an existing template or create a new one by clicking the "+" symbol. 

You can use invoice templates for sending out invoices for the first time, or as reminders for when an invoice is overdue.

4. General email templates

A contact or company email address is always clickable in Teamleader Focus. When sending emails to these adresses, you can also use predefined templates. This might come in handy for a sales organisation who has to send a lot of the same emails to leads, for example.

To create these email templates, navigate to Settings > "Email". Click the "+" button next to "Templates for regular emails" and you’re able to compose a default message. Using variables, you can always personalize these messages.

Email template: generic

Once you are finished creating default emails, you’ll find them when composing an email after clicking an email address in the CRM.

Note: When you're composing the emails, you might want to use new alineas. To start a new alinea, press enter. To start a new line, press shift + enter.

Email templates: general

5. A default message for meetings

Go to Settings > Calendar. Scroll down to the "Meeting invitation templates" widget and create a template or default message yourself by clicking the "+" symbol.

Do you want to send the default message to a meeting? Create a meeting in Teamleader Focus and add the contact to the meeting. Now, you are given the option of sending the email. There you can select which default message you want to use.

6. Automatic invoice reminders

You can send out some of these messages as automatic reminders when an invoice remains unpaid. You can do this in the widget below "Email templates for invoices", "Automatic reminders". Here you’ll be able to select the messages you created and set a time frame in which the reminder has to be sent. You can do this multiple times, with multiple messages.

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