FAQ: Can I change the date of a deal phase?

As your deal moves through several phases on your timeline, a date gets assigned to each phase it goes through. Read this article to find out how to easily change the date(s) of your deal phase(s).

Enabling the option

First of all, this feature should be activated by default in your account already. If it isn’t, it can only be enabled by someone with access to the deal settings via the slider in Settings > Deals and Quotations > Preferences > Allow to change deal phase dates:

As this is an account setting, every user in your account will be able to change the deal phase dates when enabled.


After enabling the option, follow these steps to change the date of your deal phase:

  1. Navigate to your deal

  2. Take a look at the current phase in your deal timeline

  3. Click on its date

  4. Change the date via the date picker


What you should know

  • Only the date of the current deal phase can be changed.
    If you want to change the date of an earlier deal phase in your timeline, you need to move the deal back to that phase first.

    • When returning to an earlier deal phase without a date, the default date that will be picked will be today’s date

    • When returning to an earlier deal phase that already had a date, the date picker opens on that earlier date but today’s date won’t get selected

  • A phase date cannot be set in the future (the date after today’s date)

  • A phase date cannot be earlier than the date(s) of phases that come earlier in the deal timeline

  • The first deal phase does not have any date restrictions, besides that the date cannot be set in the future. The date of the first phase can fall earlier than the creation date of the deal. 

  • Dates of deal phases that aren’t reached (yet) will be empty

  • In your deal activities, you can find information on which user changed the date of the deal phase

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