How To: Adding a close date to your deals


When you add or edit a deal, you'll see a field for the 'close date':

This basically means you can indicate what date you expect a deal to be accepted. It is not a mandatory field, but here is why it might come in handy:


  • The close date of a deal is really important for the deal forecast calculations. Read this article to find out more about the deal forecast.
  • You can add the field to your deals overview. This in turn will allow you to filter the overview based on the expected closing date. Just click the title of the column to do so. To add the column to the overview, click the cogwheel in the bottom-right corner of the deal overview and move the column to the right side.
  • You can use the field to create segments. For example, you could create a segment containing all deals for which the expected close date is due next month.
  • If a close date was postponed by a colleague, you'll see this in the activities of the CRM page of your customer.


Super useful, in other words, if you want to follow-up on your leads efficiently. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

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