How To: Follow-up actions on deals (deal automation)


Increase the efficiency of your sales process by linking follow-up actions with your deal phases. You'll never forget to plan your next task, meeting or call.


In this article, we'll show you how to set follow-up actions and give you some specific time-saving examples.


First, define which follow-up action you want to link to which phase:

  • Go to Settings > Deals and Quotations > Pipelines
  • In your pipeline, click on the pencil next to the deal phase you wish to connect with a follow-up action.
  • Set the follow-up action to either a task, meeting or call. 


Second, trigger the set follow-up action by changing a deal to that phase via either:

  • The kanban view: drag and drop a deal card into the corresponding column.
  • The deal page: click on the corresponding deal phase in the deal pipeline.


Find more information on managing your deal phases here.


Some examples

The following image shows the default deal pipeline in Teamleader Focus (New - Contacted - Meeting Planned - Quotation sent - Accepted):  


With these follow-up actions, the pipeline can be easily automated and significantly save you some time:

  • Contacted: link a task follow-up action, so you don't forget to finalise your briefing after this first contact.
  • Meeting planned: link a meeting follow-up action and immediately schedule the meeting with your customer.
  • Quotation sent: link a call follow-up action and make sure to follow-up on a potential sale.

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