In Teamleader Focus, it's possible to easily download address labels that you can use to send out a letter or a card for example.

Follow the following steps: 

  1. Add a contact or a company and fill in the address information. 
  2. Click on the three dots next to 'Contact/company information'
  3. Select Download label'
  4. Decide if you want to show your company entity's logo on the label
  5. A PDF file will be created

As an admin you can also download labels in bulk by selecting a segment and clicking on Actions in the top right-hand corner > Download labels.

This PDF file will contain the following items:

  • Name of the company/contact
  • Street + number
  • Zip code
  • Country
  • Province (for Spanish and Italian customers)
  • The logo of your default company entity, depending on whether or not you enabled the slider 'Show my company entity's logo on the labels'


  • Make sure to enable export rights via Settings > Users > three dots next to the user > Edit > Export to be able to download the label. 
  • The format is designed for label printers, you cannot adjust it to have multiple labels on one file. If you want to print multiple labels on one sticker paper, we advise you to export your contacts/companies and create labels via Excel and Word.