Handling your invoices has never been easier than with Teamleader Focus' invoicing functionality. We wrote this article to shed light on one of the most time-saving aspects of this functionality: bulk actions.
Bulk actions?
That’s right. We’re all about efficiency at Teamleader Focus and bulk actions on invoices enable you to book, send, mark as paid or delete multiple invoices at once. If you’re working as hard as we are and you are adding plenty of billable time tracking, you might choose a specific day at the end of the month to invoice your unbilled hours. That’s when this functionality will save you a world of stress.
For the purposes of this article, we assume you have already created draft invoices one way or another. Click the link if you want to find out more about different ways to create invoices in Teamleader Focus.
Book, send, mark as paid and delete
Notice the little boxes on the left side of the invoice overview? Click those to perform bulk actions on those specific invoices. The box in the upper left corner of the overview will select all invoices on that page. That means you can select a maximum of 50 invoices at a time.
When you do so, you’ll have 4 options: Book, Send, Mark as paid or Delete with a number next to these options, indicating the number of invoices you can perform the action on. If the action is not applicable to any of the selected invoices, it will be greyed out.
Booking invoices in bulk
This simply means all selected draft invoices will get booked on that day. They’ll receive a number chronologically according to their day of creation and they’ll be ready to be sent.
Sending invoices in bulk
This one is a bit more tricky. After all, you want to send your invoices using the right templates.
! Peppol: Sending invoices in bulk via Peppol is not yet possible in Teamleader Focus, but we are working on making this available later.
Once you click the ‘Send’ button, a screen will appear:
Teamleader Focus will group invoices per language of the customer. You’ll still be able to make a selection here. The mail template you select will be used for every invoice you select and send, so make sure you are sending mails in the right language. If necessary, you can make changes to the template and add variables. To make this even easier on yourself, you can make segments according to language.
As you can see, you can also link your timesheets in attachment, either in PDF or in Excel.
Draft invoices will be booked and sent in the same action. You’ll be notified if this is the case:
Important to note is that a mail address will need to be added to the customer to make sure the invoices will get sent. You can add the column ‘mail address’ to the invoices overview by clicking the cogwheel in the lower right corner to see if they’ve been added. If a mail address was not found for either a customer or your own company, you’ll be notified. Click the ‘Retry send’ button to see where it went wrong.
Marking as paid in bulk
Marking as paid will only be possible for unpaid booked invoices. If draft invoices are included in the selection, they will be listed, as well as invoices which have been credited.
Deleting in bulk
Only draft invoices can be deleted in bulk. It's not possible to delete booked invoices in bulk since they already have a number. Deleting some of them would result in gaps in your invoice numbering and disrupts the chronology of the numbering.
What about reminders?
For maximum efficiency, we suggest adding automatic reminders to make sure they are sent at the right time. Check the bottom segment of the article on reminders to find out how.
More questions? Contact our support squad by clicking the question mark in the top-right corner of your account and select Support Centre > Contact us.