The margin on quotations feature allows you to calculate margin and markup per quotation in Teamleader Focus. Read everything about this feature here!
Margin vs Markup
First it's important to explain the difference between margin and markup. To put it simply:
Margin is a subtraction (unit price minus the unit cost), while markup is an addition (unit cost+ percentage).
With margin on quotations, you will be able to add and view the unit costs of quotation lines and gain insight into the margin of a quotation as the margin will be automatically calculated.
Margin is the unit price minus the unit cost.
For example, if a product sells for €100 and costs €70 to manufacture (= unit cost), its margin is €30. Or, stated as a percentage, the margin percentage is 30%.
Markup is the amount by which the cost (= unit cost) of a product is increased in order to derive the unit price. To use the preceding example, a markup of €30 from the €70 cost yields the €100 price. Or, stated as a percentage, the markup percentage is 42.9% (calculated as the markup amount divided by the product cost).
If you want to activate this feature for a user, follow these steps.
! This feature is a user setting that needs to be enabled for every user individually. It can only be activated or deactivated by a user with admin rights.
- Navigate to Settings > Users
- Click on the three dots next to the user you want to activate/deactivate this feature for
- Click on the slider next to the features 'Margin on quotations' and 'Unit cost visible'.
Both have to be enabled. - Then, we create a new quotation.
- Insert a product line.
- The field Unit cost will appear just below the product line. You can insert a unit cost here, and the margin will be calculated. If a unit cost has already been added to the product page, it will appear automatically.
When there wasn't a unit cost linked already, you can fill it out manually. The unit price will be calculated and added to the subtotal of the product line.
- In the bottom left-hand corner of the quotation editor, you'll also find the total unit cost and the total margin of the quotation.
- In the bottom right-hand corner you'll find the total excl. VAT, the VAT amount and the total incl. VAT.
- The calculations are being updated while you draft your quotation.
- The calculations take discounts on a single line and global commercial discounts into account.
- In the bottom left-hand corner of the quotation editor, you'll also find the total unit cost and the total margin of the quotation.
- If you want to calculate the markup, click on Calculate markup.
- When you save the quotation, you'll find the margin in the header of the quotation detail page:
In your linked deal, you find the total margin of the deal under the 'Details' of your deal in the top left-hand corner:
Users with no access to unit cost/margin on quotations
When the unit cost and margin are enabled for your user, you can access this information when adding, editing and copying quotations.
When you don't have access however you'll see the following warning when editing a quotation:
- This essentially means that if unit costs have been added (by another user that edited the quotation or by adding a product that has a registered unit cost) then these unit costs are added in the background.
- This also means that when a user - without access to unit cost/margin - copies a quotation with unit costs, these unit costs will also be copied over in the background.
- Users without access to the unit cost/margin won't be able to view the Margin field on deal level either.
- When you have multiple quotations per deal: When displaying the deal margin, the average of the margins in the open quotations will be taken into account.
- Nor the margin nor the unit costs will be visible for your customer.
- The type (recurrency) of the product(s) on your quotation won't be taken into account when calculating the margin. The margin will be based on the one-time cost of the product.