Are you part of a customer service team, or just generally in touch with customers, answering their questions on a daily basis? If so, you've come to the right page! Find out how Teamleader Focus can help you provide your customers with the best service.
The modules we will discuss here are:
Companies and Contacts
Calendar and Timesheets
Shared inbox
Companies and Contacts:
On every company and contact page you have access to all your customer's information:
General contact info (name, address, etc.)
Extra info that you or your colleagues might have entered (ie. custom fields about interests, best time to contact etc.)
Tracked activity
Sent and received emails
If applicable, you will find related deals, invoices, projects and tickets. Also open tasks, meetings and calls will be shown on this page.
In short, your CRM contains all the information you need about a customer.
Pro-tip: involve your colleagues
Your activities show all previous contact moments with a person, but if you have questions for a colleague, just involve them by using the @-sign in the notifications box and typing their name. They'll receive a mail with the question you fill in here:
Calendar and Timesheets
Using your calendar actively obviously allows you to have a clear idea of what you have to work on and when.
You can also track time on your hours spent working. The idea is that you schedule the calls, meetings and tasks that you have to do on a daily basis, and that you track time when they're finished, so that you get an overview of what customers you spent most of your time on and what they need from you the most.
You can see this last part if you navigate to the Timesheets module.
Exporting timesheets
If needed, you can also export your timesheets to Excel to make your own calculations.
Voip integrations
If you regularly call customers, we encourage you to check out one of our VoIP integrations.
They allow you to receive and make calls in Teamleader Focus itself. Call results and their description will be in the activities of a customer’s page too, so that you never miss a conversation again.
Features available in our BOOST package and in the Shared inbox Booster:
Shared inbox:
Shared inbox will no doubt be the module that you will mostly use. Here, you'll receive all emails with questions from your customers, and you will be able to distribute them among the users. Open tickets will be displayed on the customer's page, and the closed ones will appear in the activity as well.
Other things that you can do with this module are:
Create custom statuses in Settings - Shared inbox.
- Write internal notes within the tickets to communicate something to a colleague. If needed, you can set ‘Internal note’ as default rather than the direct answer:
If you want someone external to reply to the ticket, enable the ‘third party’ feature. This will allow you to forward the ticket to a third party in your CRM.
Set an automatic reply to your tickets, so that after your customer has mailed you, she receives an automatic reply letting him/her know you have received it. If you have a support centre, you could add the link to it so that they find answers in no time!
If you get certain questions often, we encourage you to work smarter and create generic replies you can select via the 'Choose a template' button.
Make segments to group the tickets based on different rules (user, status, date, custom fields, etc…)
In the overview, decide what columns you want to see by clicking on the cogwheel in the bottom right of your overview. Also, if you click on the titles of the columns, you can adjust how tickets are listed (i.e click on ‘Last message’ if you want to see the last messages first)
If you use our Gmail or Outlook plugin, you can also convert an email from a customer into a ticket.
Time tracking on tickets
If you plan on invoicing your support efforts, you may want to track time on tickets.
You'll have to Create a task linked to the tickets. At the bottom of the ticket page you will find a + button that allows you to create a task for a colleague or yourself. You can track time by finishing these tasks. The registered time will appear on top of the ticket page.
Under Insights > Shared inbox, you will find a wide range of ticket stats that will help you fully understand what the customer service performance of your company is.
Do you have any tips and tricks you'd like to share with us? Just contact our support team!