Getting started: How do you want to structure and follow up on your deals?


  • What are the steps that are normally taken before a lead turns into a customer?
  • How do you usually follow up on potential customers?


To follow up on potential customers, you can use our deal module. To help visualise the different steps of this process, Teamleader Focus created multiple sales pipelines, which you can read all about in this article. By default each pipeline has some standard deal phases, but you can edit and customise them to specifically match your processes. You can read all about it in here


Deal phases should be more basic, general steps, whereas the related tasks, meetings and calls serve as more specific steps. This is why adding a phase for every single meeting won't add much value. Do note, however, that not every deal needs to go through all phases. You can easily skip multiple phases if needed.


Once you've created the pipelines and deal phases, Teamleader Focus offers multiple ways to follow up on your deals. You can link tasks to deals, which can serve as a reminder to create a quotation for example. Also, Teamleader Focus offers a colour code on deal activities which can help you to never lose the overview of your ongoing deals. On top of that, and as with every other module in Teamleader Focus, you can also create segments on deal level. Be clear on what you would like to segment on, as this has implications for the information you need to add to the deal. In the next section, we will give you more information on that. Stay tuned.


Last but not least, providing different options to your customer is part of the sales process. It’s your customer’s mindset to compare and look for the best deal. This is where the ability to create multiple quotations per deal comes in.


Note: In order to follow up on your leads, it might be interesting to think about how you would like to get your leads in your system. Teamleader Focus offers different integrations with Web2Lead services. In 'Getting started with: CRM', you will find some additional information on this topic.


Click here to read the next part on deals: Getting started: How do you want to manage your deals?

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