Everything in Teamleader Focus starts with your CRM. Moving forward, all deals, meetings, tasks, calls, projects, tickets etc. will be linked to a specific company and or contact. So one of the first steps when you get started is to set up your CRM. In this article you will learn about the different ways to add companies. Also looking to add contacts? This article will tell you all about it.
Adding companies manually
Adding companies via import
Adding companies via Trends Top integration (only for Belgium)
1. Adding companies manually
- The first possibility is to add companies one by one. Go to Companies and click on Add company or click the plus sign in the top right hand corner and select ‘Add company’.
- This pop-up will then appear:
- You can now start adding information. Note that only ‘Company name’ is a required field, which is indicated by the red asterisk. In this article, you can find out how to add required fields.
- In the field Company lookup, the VAT (Europe), KVK (the Netherlands) or SIRET (France) number can be filled out to activate an autofill of company details like company name and address. Read this article if the autofill doesn't work.
- You have the option to add additional invoicing, delivery and visiting addresses by clicking on + Add another address. Note that the primary address is mandatory if you want to start adding extra addresses.
- The sector field is based on the list used by Trends (see below). If you prefer to use your own sectors however, you can create a custom field. You can use these custom fields to add any extra information you may want. Don’t know what those are yet? No problem, this article provides answers to all your questions. Important to keep in mind: the language you pick here, will be the language used for quotations and invoices linked to this company. More info on the language of your files can be found here.
- You'll also notice that the user who added the company is automatically set as the account manager for this company.
2. Adding companies via import
- You could also choose to add several companies at once, via an import action. Go to Companies and click import:
- A pop-up will then appear.
- Here, you can copy upload a CSV or Excel file. More instructions on how to do this can be found here.
3. Adding companies via Trends Top integration (only for Belgium)
If you have a Trends Top account, you can integrate your Trends Top data with Teamleader Focus. If you have a Trends Top account with export rights, i.e. the Marketing or Business formula (see website), you don't need to pay twice for the same data.
1. Click your profile picture or the logo in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Integrations’:
2. Scroll down to ‘Accounting and finances’ and select TrendsTop. Switch the slider to YES and fill in your username and password.
3. Whenever you add a new company via Add company and fill in the VAT number, Teamleader Focus will automatically complete the entry with further info on this company from Trends Top. Once you’ve added a company, you will also see a ‘Trends Top’ button:
4. If you click on this button, you'll be able to add any data available on that company, and pay by using your Teamleader Focus wallet. If you don't know what a Teamleader Focus wallet is, click here for more information.
- If you accidentally deleted wrong contacts or companies, you can still restore them using these instructions.
- Deactivating companies is also possible. Read more about it here.