FAQ: How do I add a call in Teamleader Focus?

There are a couple of options to add calls in Teamleader Focus, which are explained below.


To work even smarter, you can also use our VoIP integrations to receive and make calls directly in Teamleader Focus and log them automatically.

  1. Add a call via the dashboard
  2. Add a call via the agenda module
  3. Add a call via the plus sign
  4. Add a call via a deal
  5. Add a call via import

1. Add a call via the dashboard

  • The first possibility is to add a call on your dashboard by clicking the "plus sign"
  • Now you can complete the details of your call. The call is automatically assigned to the person who creates it, but you can easily assign it to a colleague as well. 
  • To follow up your calls, you can set up call outcomes and follow-up actions specific to your process as explained in this article.

2. Add a call via the agenda module

  • Another option is to go to Calendar > Calls and clicking on Add call there.
  • You can also add a call by double-clicking in the agenda and selecting Add call.

3. Add a call via the plus sign

  • A third way to add a call is to click on the plus sign in the top right hand corner and select "add call".
  • Now you can complete the details of your call as described above.
  • Teamleader Focus will automatically complete the call with information depending on where you are when you click the plus sign. For example, if you open a contact in the CRM section and then click this plus sign, this contact person will automatically be added to the call.

4. Add a call via a deal

On your deal page you can find the section 'Scheduled actions'. Click on the button Call to add a call and it will be automatically linked to your deal.


5. Add a call via import

In case you have planned some calls in your old system already, Teamleader Focus offers the option to import calls

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