How To: Multiple company entities in Teamleader Focus


Does your company consist of different entities or departments? Would you like to keep them separated to a certain extent? Or perhaps you own two companies, but you'd still like to see everything in one glimpse of an eye. Then the option to create different company entities in Teamleader Focus could help you out! Read on to find out how to create company entities and what it means to have several company entities in Teamleader Focus.



Create another company entity

  1. To create a new company entity, simply go to Settings > Company Information > next to 'Company entities'. The following screen allows you to fill in all the company information as you did for the first company entity.
  2. As you can see, you can fill in the company details, company address, payment information and company logo. Read more about filling out your company information here.
  3. Once you've filled in all relevant data for your second company entity, simply click Save and close to confirm.
  4. Do you want to set this company entity as your default company entity? Then simply click on the three dots next to your entity and choose Set as default.


Differences between company entities

Company information

Setting up a company entity is just the first step. Not only can you upload a different company logo, but if you go to Settings > Company information > three dots next to the company entity, you can also upload specific general terms and conditions for this entity.


Document layout

You also have the possibility to create different layouts for quotations, invoices, etc. for this new company entity. Simply go to Settings > Document layout. You will then see a dropdown menu with the different company entities. Choose the one you just created, and start setting up your document layout for quotations, invoices, etc. 

  • Note that this layout will be selected automatically when you create an invoice for this company entity. 
  • For quotations, you'll have to choose the company entity and the corresponding layout manually.

Email signature and sending emails from company entities


Setting an email signature

Each company entity has its own email address and optionally its own invoicing email address.

Under Settings > Email > Signatures for outgoing email, you'll have the option to set a general email signature for each company entity. Note that the signature you set here is not a personal signature, but a general one for the entire account, i.e. for all emails sent in the name of one company entity.
By setting these signatures, it will be immediately clear to your customers visually which company entity they receive an email from.


Sending emails from company entities

Invoices, quotations and orders are all linked to a company entity before they are sent. When you are sending your document, you as a user can see the email address of the company entity you are sending from. When sending a quotation, you'll be able to select the email address that needs to be used. This can be one of the following email addresses:

  • the primary email address of the linked company entity 
  • the email address from the user who’s logged in
  • the email address from the first deal responsible

At the same time, the signature you set for this company entity will be applied. If you want to change the signature/company entity, you need to return to your invoice (if it's not booked yet), quotation or order to manually change the company entity.


Meeting invites and custom contact emails are not specifically linked to a company entity before they are sent. 

  • The 'Sender' email address is by default the primary email address linked to your user. If you are using our Boost package you can however also choose an email address from your alternative email addresses here. Read this article to learn more about alternative email addresses.
    You can choose whichever signature you want here.
  • You can also change the 'Sender' email address to the email address of one of your company entities. The signature linked to your chosen company entity will then be applied.


Why is the 'Sender' email address ''?

If you didn't set up a custom domain in your account, emails are always sent from Teamleader Focus' domain and you cannot select the sender. Read this article to learn more about how to set your own domain name when sending emails in Teamleader Focus.

If you don't set up your own domain, you'll still be able to select the signature (unless the document you email is linked to a company entity, in that case the signature of that company entity will be used).


Email templates for invoices

If you go to Settings > Invoices, you'll have the option to create email templates for sending invoices per company entity. 


Invoice and credit note numbering

The numbering of invoices and credit notes depends on the company entity. When you create an invoice, you first need to select a company entity. 


When you create the first invoice or the first credit note for a new company entity, you need to fill in a start number and the following invoices or credit note numbers will increment based on the start number.



Under Insights you can filter all reports based on the different company entities. 



  • You cannot assign co-workers to a company entity. It is also not possible to restrict the access to the CRM, Deals, Invoices, etc. based on company entities. In case you grant one colleague access to invoices, he/she will see all invoices of all company entities.
  • Contacts and companies cannot be linked to a specific company entity.


Deactivate/delete company entity

  • If you want to archive a company entity without permanently deleting it, it’s possible to deactivate it. Follow the steps in this article to deactivate a company entity.
  • To permanently delete a company entity, click on the three dots next to your company entity and choose Delete. Know that it won't always be possible to delete an entity though, for example when it has linked invoices or deals.

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