Welcome to our Template Gallery



Here you can find inspiration for your document template. These are functional templates which means that each template focuses on specific information, such as adding units to your table. 


In the first column you can read the details of each variation to know which one fits your needs. Next to it, you can click on the preview to display the generated PDF. And last but not least, click on the button to download the template which you can upload in your own Teamleader Focus account.


Remember that you can still make changes to all the variations and that this is just a guideline to help you create your perfect template.




Note: When creating a quotation, you can also immediately preview the lay out and choose to hide certain items on your quotations like unit prices, (sub)totals or VAT. Do this if you don't want to change your complete template, but only want to apply these changes to certain quotations.


Variation 1A: basic


This is the standard Teamleader Focus template with an introduction text, a clear table for your articles and the standard signature area. 



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Variation 1B:  basic template without “both parties agree”


This is the standard Teamleader Focus template with an introduction text, a clear table for your articles, but with a different signature area.


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Variation 2: hidden quotation text


This is the basic Teamleader Focus template, but without an introduction text. You can use the quotation text in Teamleader Focus as internal communication. To hide the introduction text you also need to change the color for .quotation_text p in the CSS.


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Variation 3: header number + date


This template shows the quotation number and date in the header so that it can be shown on every page.


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Variation 4: without VAT (only excl VAT)


As a B2B company, you have the option in this template to show all prices without VAT.



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Variation 5: subtitles


If you work with groups of products, you can structure your prices in this template variation by showing the total amount of each group.


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Variation 6: units in a separate column


This variation has a different column for units.


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Variation 7: position number


Give each article a position number automatically, to make it easier for customers asking information about a certain article by referring to the numbers and keeping an overview!




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Variation 8: contract


By default, Teamleader Focus doesn't have a contract module. However, some of our customers use this option to prepare a contract that customers can sign. Here you can find the template to get you started.

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Variation 9: add quotation name

By adding the shortcode $QUOTATION_NAME$ to your template you can also, next to the deal name or number, add your quotation name to your document.

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Variation 10: expiry date

By adding an expiry date to your quotation (via the shortcode $VALID_UNTIL_DATE$) Teamleader Focus will notify you whenever a quotation is at risk of expiring and help you send a reminder to your customer.

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Variation 1: basic


This is the standard Teamleader Focus template with a clear table for your articles and prices.


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Variation 2: subscriptions


If you are using subscriptions, this will be the template variation you need! It clearly shows the license period and next renewal date. 

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Variation 3: header number + date


This template shows the invoice number and date in the header so that it can be shown on every page.


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Variation 4: subtitles 


If you work with groups of products, you can structure your prices in this template variation by showing the total amount of each group.


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Variation 5: units in a separate column


This variation has a different column for units.


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Variation 6: company details in the footer


This template shows you company details in the footer so that it can be shown on every page.



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Variation 7: position number


Give each article a position number automatically, to make it easier for customers asking information about a certain article by referring to the numbers and keeping an overview!


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Variation 8: QR code


Get paid even faster by putting a SEPA QR code on your invoice. Read everything about it here.

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Note: Did you already create quotations and invoices before changing your template and do you want to save your old documents with the new template? Follow these steps:



  1. Click on the quotation > 3 dots > Edit quotation > Save, or click on the deal > Click on the 3 dots next to the quotation > Edit > Save
  2. The quotation will be updated with your new template



  1. Click on the Invoice
  2. Click on the 3 dots next to Info 
  3. Click on Change customer
  4. Click on Save
  5. Click on the pencil next to Contents
  6. Click Save 
  7. The invoice will be updated with your new template



Example templates

Here, you can find example templates with our Teamleader branding of the following documents:


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