FAQ: Can I track time on a ticket?


It’s possible in Teamleader Focus to directly track time on a ticket. Follow the instructions below to discover how:


  1. Go to the ticket you want to track time on.

  2. Click on the plus icon in the top right hand corner.

  3. Click on Time Tracking.

  4. Fill in a description and save the time tracking.

  5. A new row ‘Time Tracking’ will appear in the ticket properties:

  6. You can also export this information to Excel if you follow these steps:

    • Go to your Timesheets.

    • Click on Export in the top right hand corner.

    • Choose View report (Excel).

    • Choose your period.

    • Click on View.

    • In the Excel file you’ll see a column ‘Ticket’ containing the ticket ID.


If you're interested in tracking time on a ticket using a linked task, you can read this article.

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