How To: Using custom fields on templates


Every company has their own processes and ways of working. Teamleader Focus' custom fields offer a way to personalize your account to your liking. Click on the following links to find out more about the general idea of custom fields, the settings and how you can order them.


A positive aspect of custom fields is that you can use them within your templates. Note that not every custom field of every level can be used on every template. Read on to find out how you can use a custom field on a template and which custom fields can be used for which document.




  • Be aware that every shortcode has its own unique code, so check your own list of shortcodes to get the right number.
  • A custom field of the type "multi-line text" can never be used in a template


Adding a custom field to a template/document

  1. Go to Settings > Document layout
  2. Choose the document, you would like to edit, e.g. "Quotations".
  3. Click on Download current template (In case that is the first time you do it, you will need to choose "Download our example template")
  4. Go back to Teamleader Focus and scroll down > Click on the button "Shortcode list"
  5. Scroll down the list to arrive at the shortcodes for custom fields, the shortcodes will look like "CUSTOM_FIELD_XXXXX"
    Note: If you've created a custom field on product level, you'll find these in 'CUSTOM FIELDS TO CREATE TABLES', so don't forget to put this type of custom field in a table in your document or it won't work.
  6. Remember the shortcode of which you would like to show the content on your quotation, invoice, etc.
  7. Add the shortcodes listed above between $ signs to your word document you downloaded earlier, wherever you'd like to add this information. An example: $CUSTOM_FIELD_XXXX$. 
  8. Save this word document
  9. Go back to Teamleader Focus > Click on "Upload template" and choose the document you just saved.
  10. This shortcode will be replaced by the value of your custom field in case it is filled in. If you leave it empty, it will be left blank in your quotation/invoice/etc. as well. Need more information? Just check out this article.


Available custom fields per document type


Document type/template Custom fields of those levels can be used:
  • Deals
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Products
  • Deals
  • Projects
  • Invoices
  • Subscriptions
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Products
Time tracking report
  • None
  • Order
  • Deals
  • Products
Order confirmation
  • Deals
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Products
Delivery note
  • Deals
  • Contacts
  • Companies
Work order
  • Work orders
  • Contacts
  • Companies


Do you need some inspiration to make your document templates? Check out our Template Gallery!

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