FAQ: Can I delete an invoice?


In Teamleader Focus you can only delete the very last invoice of every fiscal year unless it’s a draft invoice (not booked yet).


Draft invoices

You can delete every draft invoice in Teamleader Focus. It's even possible to delete these invoices in bulk:

  • Navigate to Invoices
  • Notice the little boxes on the left side of the invoice overview? Click those to perform bulk actions on those specific invoices, like deleting them.


Booked invoices

The underlying reason that you can't delete booked invoices (unless it's the last one of the fiscal year) is that the automatic numbering of the invoices would be mixed up otherwise. This in turn is related to the rules of accountancy, which state that invoices should always be chronologically ordered. If you want to delete an invoice, but other invoices have been booked after that one, you will need to delete every invoice up to that date.


For this same reason, the same applies to credit notes.


You can delete the invoice by clicking on the three dots on top and clicking 'Delete'.
Note: When deleting an invoice this info is irretrievably lost.

It is not possible to delete booked invoices in bulk, but there is, nevertheless, a small trick that you can still do: 


If, for example, you need to delete the invoice 2017/134 and you have already created the invoices 2017/135, 2017/136, 2017/137 etc... you can follow these steps:


1.  Make copies of all these last invoices (numbers 2017/135, 2017/136, 2017/137...) so that they are duplicated and saved as draft invoices. (On the three dots mentioned above > Create copy).


2. Delete one by one the booked ones (so number 2017/135, 2017/136, 2017/137...) and the one that you really wanted to delete (so, in this case the number 2017/134).


3. Go back to the draft invoices that you just created, and book them so that they receive a number. 


Note that by doing this you will lose the activities of all the invoices that you have deleted, (the date when you sent them, the number, the payment status, reminders etc...) so we recommend that you follow this workaround only if you are sure that you can do this.


When editing is disabled

It's also possible there's an option enabled in your account that prevents you from deleting already booked invoices, even the last one of the fiscal year. Read more about that feature here.


Bookkeeping tools

It's not possible to remove invoices after they've been synced to your bookkeeping tool. In this case the best option is to create a credit note for the invoice. Find more information here.

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