If you would like to sell Teamleader Focus to other businesses, you can join the Teamleader Focus Partner Program. You can read more about how to become a partner in this article: ‘How to: How do I become a certified Teamleader Focus Partner?’.
In exchange for bringing in at least 4 new customers per year, partners can expect a number of things from Teamleader Focus:
- You will receive a percentage-based fee for each sale you close.
- We provide quarterly incentives linked to the number of sales you close.
- We will support you in your efforts by providing the right content (infographics, templates, images, etc.).
- Our Local Partner Manager will be your go-to-person, and will remain in close contact with you.
For more information on what we expect from you, be sure to read ‘What is expected of me as a Teamleader Focus Partner?’.