How To: Receiving e-invoices via Peppol in Teamleader Focus



Sending and receiving invoices via Peppol will become mandatory in several European countries for B2B in the upcoming years. This means you will be receiving e-invoices from your suppliers via Peppol. We got you covered, as our Belgian customers are able to receive their e-invoices directly in their Teamleader Focus account. Read all about it here.

Looking for more information instead regarding the sending of e-invoices? Find more information in this article. 



Enable Peppol

Even if you don’t send e-invoices yourself or only send B2C invoices, you will need to enable Peppol to receive invoices via the Peppol network if your business falls within the mandatory B2B e-invoicing regulations in Belgium.

! The invoices you send to your private customers (B2C) do not have to go through Peppol. Those may still be sent by mail or post. 

In order to receive invoices through Peppol in Teamleader Focus, you need to make sure Peppol is enabled in your account. Follow the instructions in this article to enable Peppol. 

You can send invoices from multiple instances/tools if you want. This means that next to from Teamleader Focus, you could technically also use additional tools to send your invoices from. Find more information about sending invoices here. As for receiving invoices, you can only enable Peppol in one software tool. 

Receive invoices via Peppol

Go to Invoices > Incoming documents.

Note: Anyone who has access to invoices in general will be able to see both incoming and outgoing invoices.

In this ‘inbox’ you can find all received documents sent by your suppliers. 

Click on an invoice and you’ll see a preview of the PDF:

In most cases, UBLs of e-invoices will have a PDF embedded, so we can preview the layout of the invoice. In case the provider of your supplier didn’t attach a PDF, we will show the UBL's data in a readable way in Teamleader Focus. Go to the tab Details to check that information.

At the top right-hand corner of the invoice you can also choose to download the invoice as PDF or UBL, to e.g. send it to your bookkeeper.


How do I know when I received an invoice or credit note via Peppol?

  • The invoice or credit note will be in the “incoming documents” tab in Invoices. 
  • As the first admin of the account, you’ll receive a notification in Teamleader via the notification bell, via which you can click through to the invoice/credit note
  • As the first admin of the account, you’ll also receive an email informing you about a newly received invoice/credit note.


Q&A receiving invoices

Can I send incoming invoices to my bookkeeping software?

At this time, there is no option to automatically sync incoming invoices to your bookkeeping integration as is possible with outgoing invoices. We will work on this in the future though.

Can I pay incoming invoices via Teamleader Focus?

At this point in time, no. We will be working on a solution for this though. In the meantime you can work with Ponto to set your invoices to paid in Teamleader Focus.

Can I link incoming invoices to e.g. projects or orders? 

Not yet, but this is something we will expand upon when we continue working on costs & incoming invoices in general.

Can I delete an incoming invoice?

Deleting an incoming invoice is not possible as this is an official document.

Read this article but still have questions? Be sure to check out our Peppol FAQ here!

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