How To: Project templates in Teamleader Focus



This article describes functionality of our new project module. This module is being rolled out gradually in the upcoming months, so it is possible you do not have access to the features described here yet. If that is the case, you can still find documentation on the previous project module here.

Reusing projects via project templates saves time and ensures better standardisation across workflows. Read this article to learn all about project templates in Teamleader Focus.


Project templates in Teamleader Focus are a game-changer for efficiency and consistency. When you frequently manage similar types of projects, templates save you from the hassle of starting from scratch each time. By reusing a predefined layout, you can quickly set up new projects with all the necessary tasks, meetings, and materials already in place. 


This not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that every project follows a standardised structure, reducing errors and ensuring nothing is overlooked. With project templates, you can focus more on delivering great results and less on repetitive setup tasks.


Additionally, you can easily add quotation items to a project generated from a template.


Creating a template

First of all, to be able to create project templates you need to:

  • Be an admin user or;
  • As a non-admin, have admin access to projects


Secondly, only closed projects can be marked as a template.

  • If a project template has to be created from an active project, a good workaround is to duplicate that active project, close it and then mark it as a template.


To create a project template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the project you want to mark as a template
  2. Close it
  3. Go to the three dots in the project header and choose Mark as template

  4. Specify what should be taken over from the template

    • Budgets: if you choose to take over budgets as well, know that if you create a new project out of a template and you then increase or decrease the budget of the project/group, you’ll receive a warning like this one where you can choose to proportionally increase or decrease the budgets in your project lines, or choose to keep the current values:
    • Meetings: only the meeting placeholder will be copied, and not the meeting itself.
    • Start/end date of the project: the same time period gets proportionally changed for a new project from this template. E.g. there’s a week between the start and end date of your project, then there also be one week between start and end date in the new project.
    • Statuses of items like tasks aren’t copied, meaning the status of items in the new project will always be on ‘To do’.

  5. Save the template.
    • There’ll be a label ‘Template’ next to the project title
    • Also in the project overview you’ll see the above label, and admin users + users with admin access to projects can find their templates back by going to the project overview and filtering on ‘Templates’


    • All templates can also be found in Settings > Projects > Project templates.


Editing a template

When a project is marked as a template, any changes made to it will be applied to future projects created with this template.


  • Configure template preferences: only admins and users with admin access to a project will be able to view templates and edit the template preferences.


Deleting a template

To delete a template, you have to ‘unmark’ it as a template. 

  1. Go to the project template
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner
  3. Choose Unmark as template


Converting a quotation to a project from a template

You can also add lines from a quotation to a project generated from a template. Follow these steps:

  1. Start from a quotation
  2. Convert it to a project
  3. In the top right-hand corner, click on the arrow next to ‘Create new project’
  4. Choose Create from template
  5. Choose a project template
  6. Click on Add
  7. The quotation items will be added as additional project lines to the project created from a template.
    Note regarding multi-currency: if another currency is used in your quotation then in the project, then if you add the quotation lines to the selected project template, the currency symbol of the project lines will be updated to match the project template, but the amounts will stay the same.


Looking for a way to duplicate a project just once instead of working with a project template? Read all about it here.

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