When creating a task in Teamleader Focus you can assign it to yourself, a colleague, a team or to no one in particular. This last option of 'unassigned tasks' will be discussed here.
Unassigned tasks are especially convenient when you want to create some (general) tasks without having to decide already who will pick them up later. Later on, the assignee can be changed to a colleague or a team.
Keep in mind that the functionality 'teams' is only available in our MOVE, BOOST and FLOW package.
Access & dashboard
Everyone will have access to these unassigned tasks when navigating to the tasks menu, but they won't appear on anyone's dashboard since they aren't specifically assigned to someone.
Smart segment
When you navigate to Calendar > Tasks you'll find a smart segment here to easily guide you to the unassigned tasks:
It's also possible to include unassigned tasks in segments you create yourself.
Recurring events
Important is that unassigned tasks can’t be repeated. This because recurring tasks are immediately planned in the agenda and we can't do this without an assignee. First assign this task to a colleague to make it recurring.
Deleting a team
When deleting a team in Teamleader Focus:
- The tasks that were still assigned to this team won't be deleted.
- These tasks won't be under anyone's responsibility anymore and will be 'Unassigned'.
You can add specific tasks, materials and meetings to your project. Important to know when adding tasks here, is that it’s not needed to choose a task assignee immediately. You can always do this later; this has the advantage that you can first take a look at who's available to execute the task and keep everyone happy. If you don't choose an assignee immediately, these tasks will be unassigned.
Duplicate a project
As you might know, it's possible to duplicate a project if you often use the same structure for your projects. If you have unassigned tasks in a project for example, you can keep these unassigned for if you want to 'reuse' this project. This is especially useful when you have general groups and general tasks and you want to assign them to your colleagues later, after the project has been created. Read everything about duplicating a project here.