No matter where you are in Teamleader Focus, you can find a magnifying glass icon in the top right-hand corner of your account. This icon refers to the global search function in Teamleader Focus. Read all about what it is and which fields you can search on here!
The global search functionality basically provides a general search over all modules in Teamleader Focus making it more suitable for generic searches as compared to module search which is meant for targeted searches per module. The global search function is especially handy when you quickly want to find something or someone across your Teamleader Focus account.
When searching, the exact search term matches are highlighted:
Additional data is provided around the search results to distinguish unique results and give more context. The creation date of the item is always shown on the right.
Examples of additional data provided per module are:-
For contacts/companies:
- Phone number
- Address
For deals:
- Linked customer
- Deal amount
- Deal status
For invoices:
- Linked customer
- Amount (excl. VAT)
- Payment status
For tasks:
- Linked customer
- Due date or 'Completed'
For meetings:
- Date
- Duration of the meeting
- For products:
- ID
- For tickets:
- Linked customer
For contacts/companies:
- Fuzzy search is supported, we are lenient towards typos and suggest the most relevant results related to your search
- We allow for an incomplete search, meaning you don't need to type the complete search term and the search will start already
- Accents are supported
- The maximum number of search results is 50, so try to be more specific in case of too many results
Sorting & filtering
The search results are grouped in categories e.g. 'Companies', 'Deals, 'Invoices', and a number will be shown next to it.The number displays the amount of times a search term occurs in a module, ranked from left to right (high to low number of occurrences).
If there are no results in a certain module then that tab won't be shown. Depending on your user settings and which modules you do or don't have access too, some results might be hidden as well.
As for the sorting it will be on 'most relevant' by default, meaning the most relevant items will be ranked highest:You can however also choose to sort on:
- Newest
- Oldest
- Alphabetical (a-z)
- Alphabetical (z-a)
- When searching, try to limit the number of characters and avoid spaces between words as they can have an influence on the relevancy of the results.
- Apart from the global search, you can always use the module search function for an in-depth and targeted search.
Searchable fields
Here's a non-exhaustive list of fields that are searchable/findable via the global search functionality:
- CRM:
- Customer's name
- VAT number
- National identification number
- Email address
- Street name
- Phone number:
- You'll have the best search results when typing at least 4 numbers of the phone number
- Website
- Agenda:
- Task title
- Meeting title
- Deal title
- Invoices:
- Invoice number
- Typing customer's name displays customer's invoices
- Tickets:
- Ticket title/subject
- Ticket number
- Limited search by ticket content
- Products:
- Name of the product
- Product ID
You can directly give feedback on our search experience if you want by clicking the Give feedback button in the global search. We're constantly aiming to improve and are curious to know how you feel about it.