FAQ: Can I set custom user rates per project?


This article describes functionality of our new project module. This module is being rolled out gradually in the upcoming months, so it is possible you do not have access to the features described here yet. If that is the case, you can still find documentation on the previous project module here.


If the billing method on your project is set to 'Time and Materials', then the user rates you want to apply for your time tracking may vary depending on the project. Good news! It's possible to set custom user rates per project that differ from the default user rates which you've set in your settings. Read this article to learn all about custom user rates.


First of all, you define the external price of your employees in your settings. Find more information on how to do that here.

These rates will be applied by default when you've selected 'Time and Materials' as a billing method. Follow these steps to set custom user rates per project. Note that only admins or project owners can set custom user rates, other users won't be able to see this option.

  1. Go to your project
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner
  3. Choose Set user rates
  4. In the next screen, you'll see all assignees of the project together with their default external price. Adapt their user rates by clicking on the boxes next to their names and inserting another rate.
  5. Optionally you can historically update the rates of all the unbilled time trackings for this project.
  6. Click on Save rates.


Note: Good to know is that custom user rates are also included when duplicating the project.

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