How To: Create a meeting type for your personal booking page


After connecting the Lead capture Booster to your calendar, you need to create a meeting type or edit one of the default meeting types. You can make several meeting types and choose if you want to show them on your public booking page or send them separately.


If you need information on team meetings, visit:


In this help article, we will explain how to create a personal meeting type.


In this help article

1. Click on 'Create new'

2. Set up the meeting type

2.1 Meeting type details - basics

2.2 Meeting type details - advanced settings

2.3 Availability

2.4 Summary

3. Powerful extensions

3.1 Ask questions

3.2 Reminders

3.3 Redirect

3.4 Change the email template of this meeting type

3.5 Collect payments (optional)

4. Save your meeting type and check how it looks!

5. Share or embed your meeting type(s)

1. Click on 'Create new'

When you've connected your calendar for the first time, the Lead capture Booster will have created 1, 2 or 3 meeting types for you. You can either edit them or create a new one via the green, button ‘Create new’.


2. Set up the meeting type


2.1 Meeting type details - basics


First set up the basics of your meeting type. This includes the name, location, duration, description and the type.



Give the meeting type a name. This name will be shown on your booking page so your guests know what type of meeting it is. E.g. ‘Online demo’

When you change the name of your meeting type, this will impact both the meeting type URL and the embedded link of your meeting type.



Choose whether guests can book an online meeting, an In person meeting or a Phone call. 



For online meetings, a meeting room will be automatically generated for your client after a meeting has been planned. Returning clients will be directed to the same meeting room. The meeting room will be added to your dashboard.


If you check In person as a possible option, you will be able to add an offline location to meet in person. (e.g. the location of your office)





Below the meeting location you can set the duration of your meeting. You will see 3 default options: 

  • 30 minutes
  • 45 minutes 
  • 60 minutes


If you want a different duration for this meeting type, click on custom and type the amount of minutes. E.g. 90 minutes


A meeting should at least be 10 minutes but has no maximum duration. If you set a duration of 60 minutes, the meeting room will not close after 60 minutes. The duration is to give an idea of how long the meeting will be.



You can give more information about the meeting subject in the Description of the meeting type. There is no maximum of characters but we recommend to limit it up to 300 characters for better readability.



2.2 Meeting type details - advanced settings


Additional invitees

In the advanced settings of the meeting type, you can give the guest the option to invite up to 6 additional invitees to the meeting. Fill in the number of additional invitees (max. 6), so the guest will see this on the booking page. 

E.g. If you fill in 2, the guest will be able to invite 2 additional guests, meaning you will have a meeting with 4 participants (you, the guest and 2 additional invitees).


Meeting room template

If you have created meeting room templates to have meeting rooms prepared in advance, you can also use them for booked meetings. Select the preferred template for this meeting type.


Cancellation and rescheduling 

If you want to allow guests to cancel or reschedule a meeting, you will need to enable this checkbox*. The guest will then have a link in the confirmation and reminder mail to cancel or reschedule the meeting.


*Note: This will be automatically enabled for meeting types created after July 2024. For meeting types created before or during July 2024, you will need to manually enable this.


Meeting type ranges and buffers

Set up several buffers for your meeting type to perfectly optimize your availability for meetings.

Need more information on buffers? Read this advanced article on availability and buffers.


2.3 Availability

Below Meeting type details you will find Availability. On this page, you can set up your availability and unavailabilities in detail.




There are 2 ways to set up your availability: Hours view or Calendars view.


Hours view

In Hours view you can select the days with a checkmark and select the hours by filling in the fields. By default Monday until Friday will be checked and 09:00 until 17:00 will be chosen.


If you would like to add a break (e.g. one hour at noon), just click the ‘+’ icon and change the hours from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00.


To remove an hour selection click on the bin icon. Don’t forget to change the hours if needed!


If you click on Reset to default all the days and hours will go back to the Monday to Friday and 09:00 to 17:00 selection.


Calendar view


All the fields in blue indicate that you're available for a meeting. Every blue field is 30 minutes. You can select and drag the available time slots in the overview.


This availability will be overwritten if your connected calendar has another meeting planned at that time.



Below the availability you can set up unavailable dates. When adding a date here, guests will not be able to book them.


Add an unavailable date

  • Open the dropdown
  • Click on the button ‘Add dates’
  • Select a Start and End date when you will not be available


You can remove the unavailable date by clicking on the bin icon. Or you can add another unavailable date by clicking on ‘Add dates’



2.4 Summary

In the Summary part you will see a summary of the basic meeting type settings. This includes the name, the description, the location and the duration.



In this part you can also select whether this meeting should show on your public booking page or not. If not, you’re able to copy the link of this meeting type in the Meeting types overview.


3. Powerful extensions


3.1 Ask questions


When setting up questions in your meeting type, you will have three basic questions that are required:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email


If you want to map these to e.g. your contact in Teamleader Focus, make sure to check the box next to 'Create new contact'.

Optionally, select which tag(s) need to be added to your contact.

You can do the same for if you want to add a company or a deal in Teamleader Focus. Just check the boxes next to 'Create new company/deal'.

  • When you check the box next to 'Create new company', a question 'Company name' will be added and mapped to your Teamleader Focus CRM by default.
  • Note that either 'Create new company' or 'Create new contact' needs to be checked if you want to be able to check the box next to 'Create new deal'.


Next to these default questions, you can also add custom questions. These custom questions provide you with more information on your client, e.g. a telephone number, a subject to discuss, …


  • Fill out the question label
  • Change the type of question
  • Optionally make the question required below if you think it's useful
  • Choose which field in Teamleader Focus you want to link the answer to
  • Check the preview on the right side


Save the question so it’s added to your meeting type. You can now also add a second custom question. 

Read more about custom question types in this help article.


3.2 Reminders

If you would like to have a reminder for you and your client before the meeting starts, you can set it up here. A calendar reminder will be a notification from your calendar program. An email reminder is a reminder through email.


The reminders should be shown in minutes before the meeting starts, e.g. 60 minutes. 

There are 3 default options that you can choose for both reminders:

  • No reminder
  • 15 minutes
  • 60 minutes


If you would like to pick another amount of minutes, you click on Custom and fill in the preferred number. (e.g. 30)


3.3 Redirect

Redirect URL

If you want to redirect the client after they made a booking enter a redirect URL. Leave empty if you don't want to redirect the client.


Enter the URL to which you want your clients to be redirected.


In the redirect URL, the booking parameters will be added if enabled. These include:

  • Meeting type
  • Date & time of selected time slot
  • Location (online or offline)
  • First name, last name
  • Custom questions + their answers (if available)

You can use these parameters to build custom content on your website (e.g. auto fill in a form). Ask your website developer for help!


Toggle off 'Show Teamleader confirmation screen before redirecting' if you want the redirect to be immediate. If toggled on, the redirect will occur after 5 seconds.



3.4 Change the email template of this meeting type

It's possible to customize the email template of the following emails after a meeting is booked:

  • Customer confirmation email = the email your guest will receive after booking the meeting. By default this mail contains all the meeting details and a cancellation or reschedule option. 
  • Calendar event = an email send out by the guest's calendar provider (Google, Outlook, ..) with the details of the event and option to add it to their calendar.

  • Customer reminder email = a reminder email for the guest shortly before the meeting containing the meeting details and a cancellation or reschedule option. You will need to set up a reminder email time (see 3.2 Reminders)
  • Customer cancellation email = An email to inform the guest that you have canceled the meeting. If a client cancels a meeting, a default email will be sent to you or your team member.

  • Additional invitee confirmation email = if the guest has invited additional invitees to the meeting, they will also receive a confirmation email, which is slightly different from the customer confirmation email.
  • Additional invitee cancellation email = if the guest has invited additional invitees to the meeting and cancels the meeting, the additional invitees will also receive a cancellation email, which is slightly different from the customer cancellation email.

Change the templates manually or copy the templates of another meeting type. You can copy the templates of your own personal meeting types, your team members’ personal meeting types and the team meeting types. 


3.5 Collect payments (optional)


You can add a required payment to your meeting type to collect payments using Stripe. Integrate your Lead capture Booster account with Stripe on the integrations page, save your meeting type before doing this! This help article shows how to make the integration.


After integrating with Stripe go back to Scheduling and click on the Meeting type button to continue to set up the required payment.

  • Activate Require payment when booking a meeting
  • Fill in the Amount and select the currency
  • Add Payment terms if that's needed. If you link to another page, the link will be clickable.


4. Save your meeting type and check how it looks!


Save the meeting type in the page footer. If it’s the first time that you’ve saved the meeting type then you will see a pop-up that gives you the opportunity to test it live on your booking page or go to the meeting types overview.


5. Share or embed your meeting type(s)

After creating your meeting type you can go to the meeting type overview page and choose to share or embed your meeting type. You can either share a meeting type, a personal booking page or a team booking page. 


To share a meeting type, click on the share icon in a meeting type card. In the next screen you'll have different options. You can share the meeting type:

  • Via a link
  • Via embedding HTML code
    • Choose Copy embedded HTML if you want to copy paste embedded HTML in your website instead of a regular link. Read more about embedding a meeting type here.
  • Via a QR code
    • Choose Copy QR embedded HTML if you want to copy paste embedded HTML in your website instead of a regular link. 
    • You can also download the QR image.
  • Via a contact widget
    • Click on Create a widget if you want to embed your meeting type in a contact widget on your website. In 'Link contact type', the meeting type you created will automatically be selected. Read more about contact widgets here.


To share a personal or team booking page, click on Booking links in the top right-hand corner. Select one of the four copy options. 

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