Do you want to order goods from your supplier and invoice these to your customers afterwards? You can make a distinction between unit cost and unit price in one single order.
- When adding an order from a deal or directly from the order module: you will see that two types of prices can be filled out. On the one hand the unit price, on the other hand a unit cost.
The difference between the unit price and the unit cost is used to calculate margin on projects.
Note: Make sure the slider for 'Unit cost visible' is enabled in your user settings or the user settings of your colleague. - In case you use products from the products module, these two fields will be prefilled with the corresponding values you inserted at product level.
- The unit price as well as the unit cost will be visible in your order overview and on the detail page of your order itself. If the project module is activated in your account, you will be able to see the unit price and unit cost in your project info too.
You can choose yourself whether you want to use the unit cost or the unit price on your order document. When editing your order Word template, you can put the SALE_PRICE shortcodes on the document for the unit price or you can use the unit cost shortcodes (in green). You can find these when going to Settings > Document Layout > Orders > Shortcodes.
Note: Orders created before May 16th '19 did not have a dedicated field for unit cost, so they might need to be adjusted manually.