How To: Activating Italian e-invoicing functionality in Teamleader Focus


What is Italian e-invoicing?


Starting from January 1st 2019, Italian law demands that every invoice made towards any other Italian business and/or Public Administration has to be an e-invoice. An e-invoice has three main features:

  • It must be an .xml file. A .pdf or .doc file is not allowed
  • It will have to be sent via credited providers to the Italian Tax Agency
  • It will have to be stored for 10 years in a digital format by a certified partner


Luckily Teamleader Focus has a solution to this new and complex reality! We teamed up with a certified provider in order to be able to offer you a tool to convert Teamleader Focus invoices into the appropriate format. You will also be able to send them to the Italian Tax Agency and have the invoices stored for 10 years as per Italian legislation. 


E-Invoicing in Teamleader Focus


ATTENTION: The integration is only available for Italian customers as this is mandatory by Italian law only. 


Teamleader Focus offers two integrations for Italian e-invoicing. To find out which integration is the perfect fit for your company and your workflow, please contact our customer support team at

These are the integrations we offer:


1. Youdox

In these articles you can find more information on the integration with YouDOX:


2. Fatture in Cloud

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