Teamleader Focus for Project Managers


Are you the person who manages projects from start to finish, making sure you meet all the deadlines and stay within budget? Do you assign tasks to your team, taking their busy schedule into account? Do you need a clear overview of who needs to do what by when? Then keep reading to find out how our project module could help you in your daily job. 


Never heard of the project module before? Start with these articles for a step-by-step guide, or watch our video tutorials


Project creation


First things first: adding the project. Teamleader Focus offers three different ways to create a project:


1. Project based on a deal/quotation

You just got notified that your quotation was accepted? Great! Get started right away and convert the quotation into a project. The subtitles will become groups, and you could also have the products become tasks. This does mean the format of your project is already decided when creating the quotation, so you should sit together with your sales colleagues first to agree on a basic structure.


2. Project from scratch

You can also simply create a project as you see fit. To get an idea of the possibilities, consult this article.


3. Duplicate a project

Want to reuse the same project because you often work the same way? Then you can create new projects by duplicating an existing project! Save time and money and achieve your goals faster. 


Simply create your ideal standard projects, and duplicate them. Make sure to use a recognisable name for your project, so you can easily retrieve it.


It might be interesting to know you can still link a project to a deal afterwards if you've duplicated a project. Simply open the project, click on the three dots in the header > Customise header and enable 'Deal'. This way you can add your deal and see a direct link to the project when checking the deal and vice versa, so you do not lose the overview. 


Project management

Now the project has started, you will need an easy overview of everything that is happening so you can monitor the progress. Some tips to get quick insights on your project:


  • The work breakdown tab: This overview page allows you to make clear estimates of the required work.

  • The 'Project info' tab: 

    • An overview of budget spent (the amount of billable hours and materials). Budget management on projects is a way to keep track of the predetermined budget you and your customer have agreed upon. By allocating resources and estimating time on billable tasks, materials and meetings, you'll know if you are going over budget.

    • Margin: Keep track of your costs and potential revenue via the Margin feature in every project. Take a look at your costs, so you can tweak where needed.

Projects timeline

From your project list overview, you can easily switch to the projects timeline. It provides you with a visual timeline overview of all your projects. It lets you continuously evaluate how occupied your business is and shows you which projects need your attention.


Project invoicing

Time to wrap up the project and send your invoice? Find all about invoicing your project hereIt goes without saying you can also send an invoice while the project is still ongoing. If you want to send a monthly invoice for example, you could create months as groups to have an even clearer overview.



Once you have created the project with all the tasks that need to be done, it is time to start planning them. Teamleader Focus offers a separate module where you can easily assign tasks to your team members in a handy overview. Find out all about it here.



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