Note: Due to a change in legalities, costs, and demand, Twilio only offers a limited variety of voice numbers. We can't guarantee that a number will be available for your region. This integration is only available for customers that already bought a Twilio number before January 1st, 2020.
Are you often busy with phone calls, but tired of constantly picking up the phone and typing in those numbers? Are you tired of taking notes with one hand and keeping an eye on your screen? Do you often hold expensive calls abroad? Well, we have a solution for you.
Twilio allows you to make calls via click-to-dial and receive calls directly in Teamleader Focus. You're able to buy foreign phone numbers in order to keep your service affordable. On top of that, you can easily communicate with colleagues.
In this article we will see:
- Integration with Twilio Voice Over IP
- Setting up a ring-group
- Configure voicemail
- Determine business hours
- Set availability
- How does Twilio work
- Outgoing calls
- Incoming calls
- Recording calls
- Transfer calls
- Internal calls
- Pricing
- Deleting the integration
Integration with Twilio Voice Over IP
Please note all users must adhere to local phone number regulations. To buy a number you need to provide an address within the country, or locality or region covered by the phone number's prefix together with identity documentation. Please check the requirements for the number you want to buy.
First of all, a Twilio subaccount needs to be created and linked to your Teamleader Focus account:
- Click on your user icon in the top right-hand corner and go to "Integrations/Marketplace"
- Search "Twilio" in the search bar.
- Click on Twilio's logo and click on "Add".
Note: You need to have a credit card entered in Teamleader Focus to be able to buy these services. - Your Twilio subaccount is now automatically created and linked to your Teamleader Focus account.
Secondly, our support team will add the numbers and the required documentation to your Twilio subaccount:
Fill in this form and send it together with the required documentation to our support team.
Add your preferred prefix to the form. This is the first part of your phone number that exists of a country code and area code. For example: +32 2 = Belgium (+32), Brussels (02).
You can also chose a national number. For example +33 9 = France (+33) - Our support team will check the availability of the numbers in Twilio, and will ask your confirmation before buying the numbers.
- Once confirmed, we will add the numbers to your Twilio subaccount so you can start calling.
It can take up to two weeks before the number is available in your Teamleader Focus account. We will keep you informed.
Purchasing a telephone number costs € 25/ month and is only available via credit card purchase. As a bonus, you’ll get the first number for free for a month. Any extra number you want to buy will only cost you €1/month
Note: Belgium national (+3278) and/or toll free (+32800) numbers are not capable of making outbound calls.
Setting up a ring-group
With every phone number that you buy, you can set a ring-group. In a ring group you can set up whether one person or a whole team is responsible for the incoming calls for a particular number. If a team is responsible and you get an incoming call, all members of the group will get the incoming call. We’ll explain more about this matter later in this blogpost.
Configure voicemail
If no one answers the call, the caller is forwarded to voicemail. Via text-to-speech you can type a message that will be read by a graceful voice. You can choose between several languages.
Determine business hours
Once the voicemail is set up, you can proceed to choosing your office hours so you’ll only receive incoming calls in those hours. All calls that come before or after the specified hours, end up directly in voicemail. Once you're set up, you simply click "Save" and you can start with Twilio.
Set availability
You now get a new icon in the toolbar at the top. This button shows your availability status, and that of your colleagues. There are three options:
- Available: you can receive and answer calls.
- Busy: your status is busy for your colleagues, but you can still receive calls. It's your choice whether or not you answer them. If there’s a meeting scheduled in your Teamleader Focus agenda, your status is automatically adjusted to “Busy”.
- Offline: you are not available and you will not receive calls. If you're not logged in Teamleader Focus, your status will be “Offline”.
How does Twilio work:
Outgoing calls
Since there’s no physical device that comes with Twilio, we provide a keypad where you can easily type in numbers . To do this, click on the status symbol at the top. Now you can call any local or foreign number. If you have purchased multiple numbers, you can still choose which number you are calling from.
That is not all. We also keep the ‘click-to-dial’ function in Teamleader Focus. This feature means that you need to click on the phone number of a contact or company to call that number.
Taking notes while calling remains possible. Anything you write as a note, comes back in the time tracking afterwards. Need a callback? With one click you schedule one for yourself or a colleague.
Incoming calls
You get an incoming call? On the lower right side of your screen will appear a pop-up with all information about the call. If Teamleader Focus recognizes the phone number, you will see the name of the caller. Unknown caller? Take the call and you can immediately fill-in the data.
Depending on the ring group that you have set, one or more group members will receive the calls. The principle is a bit like 'first come, first served’: The one who accepts the call will be assigned to the call and the time tracking. The pop-up disappears with the other members of the ring group. With incoming calls, you can add notes immediately as well. When you reject an incoming call, the rest of the ring group members will still be able to answer the call. However, if you choose to hang up the phone, then the call ends in general and the caller is redirected to voicemail.
When having an incoming call, Twilio doesn't allow more than 10 simultaneous dials. This means that for each call that you receive, Teamleader Focus will first check the team settings (to connect the incoming dial with the right group of people), then Teamleader Focus checks the status ('Online' or 'Busy': so if no one is Online, the call will be shown to the Busy users). From those 'Online' users Teamleader Focus connects the dials with the 10 first users in the account. For all the other users, calls will of course still be visible when they land in the queue.
Recording calls
In the settings you can also choose to record all incoming and outgoing calls. This might be useful if you want to listen again to a conversation you had with a lead or a customer . Only you or your teamlead can relisten to calls you made. These recordings will stay available for two weeks. Please check the rules about GDPR about this before proceeding.
Transfer calls
Is the caller looking for a specific person? Send him or her to the appropriate colleague: "Forward" puts the caller in a queue ( and he gets to hear " Fantasy Impromptu " from Chopin ) . Meanwhile, you will see a list of all the colleagues and their status. Choose the right coworker. Your colleague will then get to hear a specific ring tone and the call will go in the queue ready for the colleague to be taken.
Internal calls
With Twilio, you can also make internal calls if you would like to reach someone from another department. You can click on the status button and make the intern call to a specific someone. He or she will receive the incoming call and may choose to accept or decline the call.
Not unimportant is the pricing of course. Twilio is only available with the use of a credit card. Purchasing a telephone number will cost you € 25 per month, regardless of whether it is a local or international number. Additional phone numbers are available for only € 1/month. Prices vary per call and depend on what number you are calling (local / international / mobile).
Costs you make via Twilio calls will be deducted from your Teamleader Focus wallet. To make sure you don't run out of Teamleader Focus credits, you have to check the 'auto refill your wallet' option below 'Manage license' in your personal menu. This will deduct money from your credit card, which will allow you to keep calling. If later on, you want to change the automatic refill amount you'll need to send an email to support mentioning the new amount. Our technical team can then change this for you.
Check Twilio's website, you'll find more in depth prices on the bottom of the pages!
- Exchange rate dollar/euro = 1
- Prices may vary based on destination and provider
Deleting the integration
If you want to delete the integration, it's important to first delete your phone number(s) instead of first removing the integration altogether.
- Navigate to your Twilio settings in the Teamleader Focus marketplace
- Next to your number(s), click on Edit settings
- Click on DELETE in the bottom right-hand corner
- After your number(s) has/have been deleted, you can find a Remove integration button on the left side of the screen.