How To: Importing time tracking into Teamleader Focus


When you're getting started with Teamleader Focus, it may come in handy to import the time tracking from your old system to have all the data you need in your new tool. Teamleader Focus allows you to do this easily!


Note that your import file (CSV or Excel) should contain certain information and should be structured properly. You'll find more information on this throughout this article.


Once your file is structured properly, simply send it to our support along with written consent. Our support team will then carry out the actual import.


Important notes:

  • The import of time tracking is an add-on operation. This means that you cannot edit existing time tracking but only add new one. Apart from that, the import works the same way as a CRM import: The columns need to be matched with the right field and the option to undo the import is also available for about two weeks.
  • You can only import general time tracking. Time tracking linked to a task, call, etc. cannot be imported.


Import file

Mandatory columns

  • Start date: Starting date of the time tracking (recommended date format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
  • End date: End date of the time tracking, this needs to be on the same date as the start date (recommended date format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
  • Description: Description of what action has been performed
  • Column to link to a customer:1 of the following 3 options
    • Name of the customer: This can be the name of a contact or a company. In the case of a company, the name has to exactly match with the name in Teamleader Focus. In the case of a contact, the name has to exactly match with the full name in Teamleader Focus: first name last name (with a single space in between). If the customer is not found, a new company will be added. We will notify you if this is the case. In the same Excel file you can add time tracking for contacts and companies.
    • ID to match with companies or contacts: If you don't want to match the customers by their name, you can also match them using a unique ID. This can be a custom field of the type single-line text or number.

Note: Files will often only include the date and the duration of tracked time. But in order to import time tracking into Teamleader Focus, you need to enter a start and an end date and hour (remember; the end date of the time tracking needs to be on the same date as the start date). This can be solved by copying the column start date and displaying it in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. You then add another column for the end date and calculate it based on the duration. Be aware that Excel works with a 24h scheme.


See example below:

1 Date Duration Start date End date
2 2015-04-14 2,5 2015-03-14 00:00 2015-03-14 02:30

=A2 =C2+B2/24


Optional columns

  • User: Name of the user who tracked time. This needs to be an active Teamleader Focus user.
  • Invoiceable: 0/1; 0 means that it is not invoiceable, 1 means it is invoiceable. The standard value in this field is 0.
  • Work type: You can choose a work type for the tracked time but be aware that those work types need to be created beforehand via Settings  Calendar. If you didn't specify a work type for your time tracking, then the default work type will be used.

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