FAQ: How many custom fields can I create in Teamleader Focus?

There are some limits to the amount of custom fields you can create in Teamleader Focus. Read this article to find out about them.


  • 50 custom fields for each of these modules: Contacts, Companies, Deals and Projects
  • 25 custom fields for each of the other available modules
  • 10 custom fields of the type "Multiple selection"
  • There is a limit of 3 searchable custom fields, but you can always create a segment on them to have an overview

The above limits can't be raised any further. We can however give you some tips on the use of your custom fields so you can check if you need all of them:

  • Tip 1: You don’t need to create all the custom fields that you already created on company or contact level again on deal level. Create them only if you really need to make segments on deal level.
  • Tip 2: When you have a lot of yes/no fields, try to group them in a multiple selection field.
  • Tip 3: You can convert single selection fields into multiple selection fields.

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