FAQ: Can I use my own font in the layout of my documents?


If you are integrating your own house style in Teamleader Focus, you’ll see there are a few standard fonts available under Advanced options. Yours isn’t one of them? Don’t worry, Teamleader Focus can adopt your font straight from the Word document. To do this, follow the next steps:


Windows :


1. Go to Settings > Document layout and pick the document type you want to change.


2. Click Show advanced options and select copy from Word document at ‘Fallback font’.


3. Open your template in Word, go to File in the top left hand corner and select Options at the bottom left.


4. Select Save in the popup that appears and check 'Embed fonts in the file' and 'Do not embed common system fonts'.


This option ensures that the font is available for others who don’t have this font installed by default. This way, Teamleader Focus is able to recognize which font needs to be used.


5. Click OK, save the file and upload it to Teamleader Focus by clicking Upload template.



Important! You can only embed fonts on a Mac computer with an Office 365 licence and the Office for Mac update from February 2019 (16.22 (19021100)). 


1. Open your template in Word


2. Go to Word > Preference


3. Select Save in the popup that appears and check 'Embed fonts in the file' and 'Do not embed common system fonts'.


This option ensures that the font is available for others who don’t have this font installed by default. This way, Teamleader Focus is able to recognise which font needs to be used.


4. Close the window, save the file and upload it to Teamleader Focus by clicking upload docx file.


Some important remarks to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the font is installed on your computer before you embed it. In case you use a special font that is not installed by default in Word, this font needs to be installed in a TTF-format and not in an OTF-format. If this is the case, the OTF-format needs to be converted to TTF and re-installed in order to embed the font into the document.
  • This option can make your file size considerably larger. The absolute limit is 4 MB: if the file is too big, we recommend you resize the images.
  • The embedded font is not supported for all parts of the document. For these parts you can change the font using CSS.
  • This import only works for documents with the extension .docx. This means that you need to use at least Word 2013 in order to be able to import a font.
  • If all these steps are followed, it is still possible your font cannot be supported.

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