After you’ve created a company entity, it’s important to fill out all the relevant information, as this information will be used throughout your account. Read this article to learn more.

A new company entity can be created by navigating to Settings > Company information > +.

Note that only users of the BOOST and FLOW packages can create multiple company entities.

Edit the company information of your company entity by clicking on the pencil next to it.

Company details

The company details in Teamleader Focus are used on your quotations, invoices and other communication.

  • Think of the country of your company, the company name, the email address, the VAT number, the invoicing email address and so on.
    Note: choosing a country is an irreversible action, you cannot change the country of a company entity afterwards.
  • You can also provide a short name (abbreviation) for your company, or define the date format you’d like to use.
  • Finally, fill out your phone, website or fax

Tip: If you’ve entered all recommended fields there’ll be a check mark next to the Company details field on the left. We advise you to fill out all these fields in order to make use of all functionalities within Teamleader Focus.

Company address

Fill out all relevant information concerning your company address right here in this tab.

Payment information

The payment information you insert in these fields gets used in Teamleader Focus for your invoices. Think of your bank information, but also any interest or late fees you want to apply to your invoices.

Company logo

Upload your company logo right here to make sure that it’s used on your quotations, invoices and other documents. Choose a file with the following requirements:

  • Maximum 1 MB in size
  • JPG, JPEG or png format 
  • Min. size: 100x100 px.

And you’re done, go ahead and Save your company information!

Terms & conditions

Don’t forget to also add the terms & conditions of your company entity by clicking on the three dots next to your entity > Upload terms and conditions. Read more about it here.

company name